Thursday, December 6, 2012

7 Steps To Take Down The Grinch

Emma will demonstrate in 7 easy steps how to take down The Grinch this Christmas season.  If pictures are not enough to learn these basic skills, please refer to the video which puts the skills into action.  We hope this is helpful in removing the "Grinches" in your life this holiday season!

Step 1:  It is important to act coy.  You do not want The Grinch to suspect the impending attack.
Step 2:  You've got to get yourself pumped!
Step 3:  Get you game face on.

Step 4:  Grab The Grinch by both hands.

Step 5:  A little smack talk never hurt!

Step 6:  Show The Grinch who's boss.

Step 7:  Go in for the kill.

When all 7 steps are complete, it is important to take some time to relax "Christmas Style".

(Sorry, I do not know how to turn the video so it's the right way.)


  1. Cute pics!!! Love them. Apparently she is wearing a candy cane tutu or something.... She sure seams to think it's yummy!!!

  2. This little bug is enough to get rid of any grinches that might be lurking around! Too cute!

  3. So Cute! I love her outfit too! Miss you guys! :)
