Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Last Little While

Here are some pictures showing what we've been up to the last month or so.  We don't necessarily lead very exciting lives, but we're happy!

Just eating some black beans!

A three-generations photo.  Gotta love Emma's hair!  I'm pretty sure Dustin had been fluffing it not long before this picture was taken!

We hiked up to the Wind Caves with some of my cousins...

Emma showing us her fishy faces... pretty impressive!

I did a color run with some of my cousins.  We had fun - and believe it or not, all of the color washed out of my clothes!

 Fishing out at Newton Dam.  Emma wasn't afraid to touch the fish.  She kept trying to walk into the water and when she wasn't doing that she spent her time finding rocks to chew on.

1 comment:

  1. Too cute! Black beans - she looks like a hobo! And I believe there are 3 generations of curly hair there! And I LOVE the picture of her and Dustin fishing. That one needs to be in a frame - that's precious!
    Can't wait to see her this summer!
